Ah, mobile test automation—the unsung hero in the app development saga. It’s like that one ingredient in your grandma’s secret recipe that makes everything just right, yet no one ever talks about it. If you’ve ever found yourself surrounded by a mountain of devices, juggling between Androids and iPhones like a seasoned circus performer, wondering if there’s a better way, you’re in the right place.
Today, we’re tackling the million-dollar question: When is the right time to implement mobile test automation for your app? We’ll journey through the Four Phases of Testing Maturity, each with its own quirks and challenges. To guide us, we’ll introduce a nifty graphic that maps Application Maturity against Return on Investment (ROI), illustrating how different mobile test automation strategies perform as your app evolves.
So grab your favorite beverage (coffee, tea, or something stronger if your app has been particularly buggy), and let’s dive in!
The Application Maturity Curve
Before we embark on our journey, let’s set the stage with the Application Maturity Graphic (see Figure 1).
The Application Maturity graphic illustrates the ROI progression for different mobile app testing strategies as applications mature.
Four curved lines represent different testing approaches:
Device-in-Hand Manual Testing
Remote UI Manual Testing
Scriptless (No Code) Automation Testing
Script-Based Automation Testing
Each line tells a story about how effective a testing strategy is at different stages of your app’s maturity. We’ll refer back to this graph as we explore each phase.
Phase 1: The Exploratory Beginnings
Also known as: “The Wild West of Testing”
Phase 1: The Exploratory Beginnings. At low application maturity, Device-in-Hand Manual Testing offers the highest ROI but is limited in scalability as the app grows.
At the dawn of your app’s life, everything is new and exciting—like a toddler discovering ice cream for the first time. Testing at this stage is all about Device-in-Hand Manual Testing. No fancy tools, no structured processes—just you, your app, and whichever devices are lying around.
I love this LinkedIn post by Dilpreet Singh who manages Uber’s Device Labs showing what Uber was like in this Phase. Even the greatest of mobile device testing companies went through this toddler phase.
Characteristics of This Phase:
Exploratory Testing: No predefined test cases. You’re clicking around to see what breaks.
Who’s Testing: Developers, team members, maybe even your grandma if she’s tech-savvy.
Tools Used: Physical devices on hand, emulators, and simulators for platforms you can’t physically test on.
Why It Works (For Now):
Immediate Feedback: Spot issues quickly without setting up elaborate test environments.
Cost-Effective: Minimal investment—just your time and existing resources.
Flexible: Easy to adapt as the app changes rapidly.
The ROI Curve Explained:
On our graph, the Device-in-Hand Manual Testing line starts with a high ROI at low Application Maturity. It’s efficient when your app is simple and changes frequently. But as your app matures, the line shoots down like a hockey stick, as you suffer from lower ROI. Manual testing becomes less practical as complexity grows.
Phase 2: Structured Scaling
Also known as: “The Puberty of App Testing”
Phase 2: Structured Scaling. At mid-level application maturity, Remote UI Manual Testing becomes the focus, providing broader device coverage and improved scalability.
Your app is growing up—think of it as the awkward teenage years of development. You’ve outgrown the “everyone’s a tester” phase and realize it’s time for some structure.
Characteristics of This Phase:
Defined Test Cases: You’re documenting what needs to be tested. Progress!
Dedicated Tester: Someone whose job is solely focused on testing. No more multitasking developers.
Tools Used:Remote UI Testing platforms like Kobiton enter the scene.
Why Make the Shift:
Broader Device Coverage: Access a variety of devices without physically owning them.
Consistency: Test cases ensure repeatability and reliability.
Scalability: Begin to handle more complex testing scenarios.
The ROI Curve Explained:
The Remote UI Manual Testing line on our graph starts higher and extends further than the previous phase. ROI increases as you gain efficiency and better device coverage. However, as your app continues to mature, this line also starts to dip—the hamster wheel effect kicks in, and your tester can’t keep up.
Phase 3: The Decision Point Dilemma
Also known as: “The Mid-Life Crisis of Testing”
Phase 3: The Decision Point Dilemma. At this stage, testing demands outpace manual testing, prompting a choice between scaling manual efforts or adopting Scriptless Automation.
Your app has matured significantly. It’s like hitting that age where you question your life choices while shopping for a sports car or a sensible family SUV. You face a critical decision: continue scaling manual testing or invest in automation.
Characteristics of This Phase:
Overwhelming Testing Needs: One tester can’t handle the increasing workload.
Broader Device and OS Requirements: Users expect flawless performance across all devices.
Quality Expectations: High user standards mean minor bugs can lead to major backlash.
One of Kobiton’s standout customers is a mobile-only leader in the transportation industry. Experiencing rapid growth, they are not just expanding the user base but also rapidly acquiring new companies and integrating their functionalities into their mobile application. This whirlwind of activity results in frequent changes to the app, keeping their testing team on their toes.
Why It Works:
Frequent Updates: With constant integrations and feature additions, manual testing adapts swiftly to the latest changes, ensuring that new functionalities are thoroughly vetted without the lag that automation might introduce.
Human Insight: Deploying hundreds of manual testers allows them to harness real-world testers who catch nuanced user experience issues that automated scripts might overlook. This human touch ensures that the app not only functions correctly but also delights its users.
Kobiton’s Role:
Kobiton provides the platform for remote manual testing across a diverse array of devices, enabling our customer to maintain high testing standards without the logistical nightmare of managing an extensive physical device lab.
Consistency: Automated tests run the same way every time.
Scalability: Easily test across multiple devices simultaneously.
Initial Investment: Time and resources to set up automation.
Maintenance Effort: Scripts need updating as the app changes.
Customer Success Story
Meet one of Kobiton’s prestigious customers—a Fortune 100 Financial Services Powerhouse. With a well-established and mature mobile app, they face infrequent functional changes, making their app an ideal candidate for extensive automation.
Why It Works:
App Stability: The mature app environment means fewer changes, reducing the maintenance overhead for automation scripts. This stability allows them to maximize the efficiency of their automated testing suite.
High ROI: By relying on over 5,000 Appium automation scripts, they significantly reduce testing time and minimize errors. The initial investment in automation pays off swiftly, providing consistent and reliable test results that scale effortlessly with their extensive user base.
Kobiton’s Role:
Kobiton supports our customer’s advanced automation needs with AI-driven tools like the Appium Script Generator and Self-Healing Appium Scripts, ensuring that their automation framework remains robust and adaptable without constant manual intervention.
The ROI Curve Explained:
At this fork in the road, the Scriptless (No Code) Automation Testing line starts to appear on our graph. It shows a high ROI at moderate Application Maturity, offering a middle ground. However, its ROI eventually plateaus as the limitations of no code solutions become apparent.
Phase 4: Mobile Test Automation Mastery
Also known as: “The Zen of Testing”
Phase 4: Automation Mastery. At full application maturity, Script-Based Automation Testing achieves the highest ROI, handling complex testing needs with scalability and precision.
Congratulations! Your app has reached full maturity. It’s stable, feature-rich, and users love it (mostly). It’s time to dive into Script-Based Automation Testing and achieve testing enlightenment.
Characteristics of This Phase:
Stable App Environment: Fewer changes mean less script maintenance.
Complex Testing Needs: Advanced features require sophisticated testing.
Expertise Required: Hiring or training automation engineers.
Appium Self-Healing Scripts: AI prevents scripts from failing when the app changes, taking the headaches out of script maintenance.
Why It Works:
Maximum ROI: The Script-Based Automation Testing line on our graph shows the highest ROI at high Application Maturity.
Full Control and Customization: Handle complex scenarios that no code tools can’t.
Modular Testing Architecture: Easier maintenance and scalability.
The ROI Curve Explained:
The line starts with a low ROI at low Application Maturity due to high setup costs and maintenance. But as your app stabilizes, the ROI skyrockets, making it the most efficient strategy in the long run.
The Complete Application Maturity Curve
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the full picture. Each testing strategy has its place and time:
Device-in-Hand Manual Testing: Great at the start but unsustainable as you scale.
Remote UI Manual Testing: A step up, but eventually limited by human resources.
Scriptless (No Code) Automation Testing: Bridges the gap but can’t handle all scenarios.
Script-Based Automation Testing: The ultimate goal for high ROI at full maturity.
Limitations of No Code Mobile Test Automation Technology
While Scriptless Automation seems like the perfect middle ground, it’s not without flaws.
The Reality:
Complex Scenarios: No code tools struggle with intricate or non-standard testing flows.
Customization Limitations: Less flexibility to tweak tests to your specific needs.
Scalability Issues: Difficult to create a modular, maintainable test architecture.
The Engineer’s Dilemma:
Imagine hiring an experienced Appium engineer eager to optimize your testing. They find that your no code tool doesn’t support the advanced scripting needed. You’re faced with:
Option A: Stick with the no code tool and limit your testing capabilities.
Option B: Switch to a new vendor, potentially losing your previous investment.
Opt for tools that offer both no code and script-based automation, like Kobiton, ensuring a smooth transition and preserving your investment.
Scaling with Low-Cost Manual Testing Instead of Mobile Test Automation
Sometimes, automation isn’t the immediate answer, and scaling manual testing is necessary.
AI Innovations: Features like self-healing scripts reduce maintenance overhead.
Future-Proofing: Commitment to open standards and scalability.
So, when is the right time to take the plunge into Mobile Test Automation? The answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all but depends on your app’s maturity and your organization’s needs.
Key Takeaways:
Embrace Flexibility: Be ready to adapt your strategy as your app evolves.
Understand the Phases: Recognize where you are on the Path to Mobile Test Automation.
Assess Your Needs: Consider your app’s complexity, team resources, and growth plans.
Leverage AI and Automation Wisely: Use tools that reduce maintenance and accelerate ROI.
Choose Scalable Solutions: Opt for vendors that support you throughout your testing journey.