May 2022 Product Update: Delete a Test Step and Battery Drain Metrics

Adam Creamer
Welcome to release 3.21.0 of Kobiton! Our June update has some nifty new features and product enhancements to help you test better as we head into the warm summer months. Below are some new features that we’re excited about. You can also read the full release notes here.
Now let’s jump into some highlights:
Passcode Support on iOS Devices (Kobiton)
Have you ever run a test that requires a passcode to complete the desired action? With this release of Kobiton, we now support device passcodes on Local and Private iOS devices on the latest version of Kobiton to help you test easier.
Note, the ability to support passcodes on Local and Private Android devices was made available in a previous release.
Delete a Test Step Enhancement and Modify Text Values (Kobiton)
In the last release, we announced that users would be able to delete a test step in a test case. In this release, we’re expanding on that ability by letting you delete multiple test steps at once! Any future reruns of the test case will be based on the modified test.
In addition to deleting test steps, you can now also alter the text value for a particular “Set Text” step for later reruns, or script exports. This can come in handy if you mistype something during a test session or a text value changes, and you don’t want to start over again.
New OS Support (Kobiton and Legacy Kobiton)
The mobile world never stops moving, which is why we’re happy to announce that Kobiton now supports the latest mobile OS systems:
Kobiton API v2 (Kobiton and Legacy Kobiton)
We are revamping our API Documentation to allow you to interact with it and run APIs directly from the page. This initial release of API v2 includes some APIs from the following services: User, Devices, Session, and App Repository. We will continue to make improvements here to better serve your testing environment.
We will continue to support our original API documentation for several releases.
virtualUSB – beta (Kobiton)
Connecting a device directly to your workstation to leverage your IDE can be a requirement at times, if you need to debug or troubleshoot your mobile app on a specific device or OS version.
With this release of Kobiton, virtualUSB – in beta – allows you to remotely connect to a real Private or Local device from the Kobiton Portal as if the device were directly connected to your machine.
Wrapping Up
As we head into the summer months, we continue to focus on building the best end-to-end mobile testing platform available, so that you can test faster and smarter.
We have some exciting things in store over the next few releases, so be sure to keep an eye on the Kobiton feed! If you have any questions or feedback, let us know below or reach out to your Kobiton account manager.
Check out the full release notes here.