Scalable Access with Mobile Device Cloud

Rapidly Access Real Devices and OS for In-Depth Market Testing Coverage

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Illustration of a desktop with clouds around it and a phone screen.

Overcome Mobile Device Lab Inefficiencies and Limitations

Device Fragmentation

Ensuring app compatibility across 95% of the market requires testing across hundreds of devices.

DIY Lab Overhead

Operating in-house device labs can strain IT resources and divert attention from strategic initiatives, increasing operational overhead.

Emulator & Simulator Limitations

Emulators and simulators can’t replicate real-world conditions, hindering insights into battery, CPU, and more.

Scale with Mobile Device Cloud

Illustration of real world market coverage
Image of a woman leaning against a wall using her laptop
Illustration of analysis of front-end mobile performance
Image of someone scrolling on their phone.

Real-World Market Coverage

Achieve your desired level of market coverage with instant access to a diverse range of real mobile devices ready for parallel test execution

Autoplay Speed


Effortlessly adapt to changing mobile testing needs. Scale device coverage up or down with flexibility and efficiency to meet project demands.

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Achieve 100% accurate user experience testing by assessing battery usage, push notifications, and more. Visualize your app’s performance across various screen resolutions and brightness levels.

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Reduce expenses by eliminating the need for extensive physical devices. Cost-effective subscription models ensure control over expenses while accessing the latest mobile OS and devices.

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Kobiton Mobile Device Cloud Makes Real Device Testing Easy

Achieve precise market representation, seamless collaboration, natural gestures, rapid device launches, easy app uploads, and smooth script migrations with our Mobile Device Cloud.

Market-Centric Testing

Conduct comprehensive testing across an extensive variety of smartphone and tablet models, ensuring accurate representation of your priority markets.

Unified Access

Enable effective global collaboration as our platform accommodates unlimited users within a single, unified testing environment.

Responsive Gestures

Experience seamless gesture execution, including tapping, swiping, scrolling, and pinch-to-zoom, all with virtually no latency

Instant Launch

Experience rapid device launching on our cloud platform, minimizing wait times and maximizing your testing productivity.

App Upload

Easily upload your app to our device cloud through our user-friendly API, facilitating dynamic and versatile test scripting.

Smooth Migration

Count on us to migrate your existing test scripts seamlessly, ensuring a risk-free and disruption-free switch.

Simplify Mobile Testing with Mobile Device Cloud

Efficiently access real devices, scale effortlessly, and elevate your testing coverage.

Scalable Access to Real Devices

It takes only 10 devices to achieve 50% market coverage, but it takes 159 devices for 90% market coverage. Subscription access through the cloud is the most efficient way to access the latest mobile operating systems and devices for your coverage goals.

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Image of people holding real devices

Parallel Sessions

Enjoy the efficiency of parallel execution of your test scripts. Perfect for quick integration into your CI/CD process and near-instant results. Whether you’re doing manual, automated, functional or performance testing, parallel sessions help you accelerate mobile delivery.

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Image of kobiton employes Parallel testing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kobiton’s Mobile Device Cloud?

Kobiton’s Mobile Device Cloud allows access to a range of real devices over the cloud for app testing.

A real device cloud provides remote access to physical mobile devices for testing applications across various platforms and configurations​​.

The terms “mobile device cloud” and “mobile device farm” are often used interchangeably, but they can have distinct meanings in the context of mobile application testing.

A mobile device cloud provides remote access to a diverse range of real mobile devices hosted over the internet. It allows users to test mobile applications on different hardware, operating systems, and configurations without needing physical access to the devices.

A mobile device farm refers to a collection or ‘farm’ of mobile devices physically located in one place, often within an organization, for the purpose of testing mobile applications.

A mobile device farm is a collection of mobile devices available for testing applications in different environments.

Setting up a device farm involves selecting a range of devices based on market coverage and configuring them for secure, organized access​​.

Setting up a device cloud involves several steps to ensure that you have a scalable, accessible, and efficient testing environment. In  general here is a guide on how to set up a mobile device cloud.

Define Your Testing Requirements
Identify the types of devices, operating systems, and device configurations (like different screen sizes, hardware specifications) that are relevant for your application. Determine the scale of the device cloud based on the variety of devices and the expected volume of testing.

Choose a Device Cloud Provider
Research and select a mobile device cloud provider that suits your needs. Providers like Kobiton, Sauce Labs, or BrowserStack offer various features and device selections. Consider factors like the range of devices available, integration capabilities with your existing tools, pricing, and support services.

Create an account with your chosen provider
Configure team access, setting up user roles and permissions as needed for different team members.

Integrate with Development and Testing Tools
Integrate the device cloud with your development and testing tools, such as CI/CD pipelines, version control systems, and test automation frameworks. Ensure that the device cloud can be accessed seamlessly from your existing workflow.

Create and Configure Test Environments
Set up various test environments within the device cloud as per your requirements. This may include different combinations of devices and OS versions.Configure network settings, install necessary applications or tools, and set up any specific testing parameters.

Develop and Deploy Test Scripts
Write test scripts for automated testing, if applicable. Deploy these scripts to the device cloud and configure them to run on selected devices.

Conduct Manual and Automated Testing
Begin testing your application both manually and automatically. Utilize the features of the device cloud like screen recording, logging, and debugging tools.

Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor the performance of your tests and the usage of the device cloud. Optimize the selection of devices and test scripts based on test results and analytics.

Maintain Security and Compliance
Ensure that data security and privacy measures are in place, especially if testing applications with sensitive data. Stay compliant with relevant regulations and standards.

Stay Updated
Keep the device cloud updated with the latest devices and OS versions to ensure your application is tested on current platforms.

Manual testing in a mobile device cloud can be straightforward, allowing testers to interact with real devices remotely. However automated testing is more efficient and with Kobiton often requires no scripts.

It’s important to select a reputable mobile device cloud to ensure data privacy and security, preventing unauthorized access to your data. Make sure your mobile device cloud provider provides  robust encryption, strict access controls, and clear data retention policies.  For more information on Kobiton’s security, privacy, and compliance, visit the Kobiton Trust Center.

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