What is Continuous Testing?

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What is Continuous Testing?

Continuous testing serves as the cornerstone of modern mobile application development, offering a lifeline to both DevOps practitioners and QA professionals navigating the ever-evolving landscape of mobile technology. Imagine a world where every code change is met with confidence, knowing that your app will perform flawlessly across a myriad of devices, operating systems, and network conditions. With Kobiton’s comprehensive suite of testing solutions seamlessly integrated into your DevOps pipeline, you can turn this dream into reality. By automating testing processes and leveraging real-device testing environments, Kobiton empowers teams to iterate rapidly, uncovering bugs and performance issues before they reach end-users

Basic Principles of Continuous Testing

Establishing a strong testing framework can enhance software quality, accelerate your time-to-market, and ensure seamless integration throughout the software development and testing process. Here are a few of the basic principles of continuous testing in DevOps.


Embrace automated testing processes to ensure rapid feedback on code changes, enabling continuous integration and deployment. By embracing automated testing processes, teams can achieve rapid feedback on code changes, facilitating continuous integration and deployment. Automated tests run consistently and quickly, enabling developers to detect defects early and ensure that software updates can be delivered to users swiftly and confidently.

Shift Left With Early Testing 

Shift testing left in the development lifecycle, conducting tests as early as possible to detect defects when they are less costly to fix. Shifting testing left in the development lifecycle allows teams to identify defects when they are less costly to fix. By conducting tests early, developers can catch issues before they propagate further downstream, reducing the risk of expensive rework and ensuring that high-quality code is delivered consistently.

Shift Right Testing 

Extend testing into production environments to monitor app performance and gather real-world feedback, facilitating continuous optimization and enhancement. Extending testing into production environments allows teams to monitor app performance and gather real-world feedback, facilitating continuous optimization and enhancement. By collecting user feedback, monitoring application behavior, and analyzing performance metrics in production, teams can identify opportunities for improvement, prioritize enhancements, and deliver a superior user experience iteratively.

Comprehensive Coverage

Strive for broad test coverage across various devices, platforms, and scenarios to ensure the app’s functionality, performance, and compatibility. Striving for broad test coverage across various devices, platforms, and scenarios ensures that the application’s functionality, performance, and compatibility are thoroughly evaluated. Comprehensive testing minimizes the likelihood of undiscovered defects slipping into production, enhancing overall software quality and user satisfaction.

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Feedback Loop

Establish a feedback loop between development, testing, and operations teams to facilitate continuous improvement and collaboration. Establishing a feedback loop between development, testing, and operations teams fosters continuous improvement and collaboration. Feedback from testing informs development decisions, allowing teams to address issues promptly and iteratively refine the application based on real-world usage and performance data.

Parallel Execution 

Leverage parallel testing to accelerate test execution and reduce testing time, enabling faster delivery of high-quality software. Leveraging parallel testing accelerates test execution and reduces testing time, enabling faster delivery of high-quality software. By executing tests concurrently across multiple environments or devices, teams can expedite the feedback loop and ensure timely releases without compromising on test coverage or reliability.

Continuous Monitoring

Implement continuous monitoring of key metrics and performance indicators in production to identify issues promptly and address them proactively. Implementing continuous monitoring of key metrics and performance indicators in production enables teams to identify issues promptly and address them proactively. By monitoring application performance and user experience in real-time, teams can detect anomalies, diagnose problems, and take corrective actions to maintain optimal performance and availability.

CI/CD Pipelines

Integrate continuous testing seamlessly into the CI/CD pipeline to automate testing at every stage of the development process. Integrating continuous testing seamlessly into the CI/CD pipeline automates testing at every stage of the development process. This integration ensures that tests are executed consistently and automatically as part of the deployment pipeline, enabling teams to detect and address issues early, maintain code quality, and deliver releases with confidence and efficiency.

Transparency and Collaboration

Transparency and collaboration are foundational principals to a continuous testing – enabling teams to work together seamlessly, detect issues early, and drive continuous improvement in software quality and delivery. Teams can openly discuss test results, share best practices, and identify areas for optimization. This iterative approach drives ongoing enhancements to testing strategies, tools, and processes, leading to higher efficiency and effectiveness over time.

Challenges in Continuous Testing

Continuous testing for mobile applications presents unique challenges compared to traditional web or desktop applications. Some of these key challenges include:

Device Fragmentation

The vast array of mobile devices, operating systems, screen sizes, and resolutions results in significant device fragmentation. Testing across this diverse landscape requires comprehensive device coverage to ensure optimal performance and compatibility.

Platform Diversity 

Mobile apps must often run on multiple platforms, including iOS and Android, each with its own set of features, behaviors, and testing requirements. Ensuring consistent functionality across these platforms adds complexity to the testing process.

Network Variability

Mobile apps are highly dependent on network connectivity, making them susceptible to issues like latency, bandwidth constraints, and network interruptions. Testing under various network conditions is essential to validate app performance in real-world scenarios.

User Experience Challenges

Mobile apps must deliver an intuitive and seamless user experience across different devices and screen sizes. Testing must address usability issues such as touch responsiveness, gesture interactions, and screen layout optimization.

Security and Privacy Concerns 

Mobile apps often handle sensitive user data, making security and privacy paramount concerns. Testing must include robust security assessments to identify vulnerabilities such as data breaches, unauthorized access, and malware threats.

Rapid Release Cycles

Mobile app development follows agile methodologies with frequent release cycles to deliver new features and updates rapidly. Continuous testing must keep pace with these accelerated development timelines, requiring efficient test automation and streamlined workflows.

Integration with Mobile Ecosystem

Mobile apps often integrate with various third-party services, such as social media platforms, payment gateways, and location-based services. Testing these integrations for compatibility, reliability, and performance adds another layer of complexity to continuous testing.

Limited Device Access

Access to physical devices for testing can be limited, especially for teams operating remotely or in distributed environments. Cloud-based testing solutions, such as Kobiton, offer a scalable and cost-effective alternative for testing across a wide range of real devices.

Managing Test Data

Managing test data effectively is crucial for accurate and comprehensive testing — is your staff well-versed on the latest test data management trends? If not, you’ll want to invest in outside assistance.

Reliable Test Scripts

Organizations may face challenges in creating reliable and maintainable test scripts, especially for applications with dynamic user interfaces or complex business logic. To navigate this challenge – and a few other related challenges, as well – you’ll want to study best practices for scriptless test automation.

Inefficient Team Processes

Overcoming resistance to change, breaking down individual team silos, and working to develop a culture of shared responsibility are common difficulties that can be presented during devops continuous testing initiatives. The best organizations operate on a continual path to greater efficiency.

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How to Implement Continuous Testing

These are some of the steps that Kobiton has found contribute to a successful continuous testing initiative. 

1. Establish Testing Environment

First, I always stress the importance of setting up a dedicated testing environment that supports continuous penetration testing activities.

2. Prioritize Test Cases

Next, you’ll want to identify critical tests, reduce the size of test suites without compromising quality, and enhance release times by automating deployment to the testing environment.

3. Leverage Test Automation

Automation testing can make a significant impact, so we recommend you automate the deployment of every code change to the testing environment. Additionally, set up alerts for potential mistakes or issues, and streamline the deployment process for faster releases.

4. Integrate CI/CD Pipelines

Automation can also significantly impact the flow of building, testing, and staging code revisions to prepare them for release. This helps to ensure that developers always have a deployment-ready build artifact — it’s a win-win.

5. Monitor and Analyze Test Results

Testing is one thing, but making decisions based on your results can be quite another. Monitor test execution and analyze test results to identify failures, regressions, and performance issues. Then get to work fixing them.

Strategies for Effective Continuous Testing

Ensuring the quality, reliability, and performance of apps across various devices and platforms is paramount. To achieve this, teams need robust strategies for continuous testing that seamlessly integrate into their development workflows. With Kobiton’s comprehensive mobile testing platform, teams can leverage automation-centric approaches, thorough test coverage, and shift-left testing methodologies to accelerate their testing processes while maintaining high standards of quality.

Adopt A Automation-Centric Approach

Embrace automation tools tailored for mobile testing to ensure rapid and consistent execution of tests across various devices and platforms. This reduces manual effort, speeds up feedback cycles, and allows for more frequent testing iterations.

Plan for Thorough Test Coverage

Develop a comprehensive suite of tests that covers all critical aspects of mobile applications, including functionality, performance, usability, and compatibility across different devices, screen sizes, and operating systems.

Choose Shift-Left Testing for Mobile 

Embed testing activities early in the mobile app development lifecycle to catch defects at the earliest stages. Collaborate closely with developers to integrate testing into their workflows and ensure that quality is built into the application from the outset.

Implement CI/CD Pipelines for Mobile 

Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines specifically tailored for mobile app development. Automate the build, test, and deployment processes to enable quick and reliable delivery of updates to mobile applications.

Leverage Parallel Testing on Mobile Devices 

Leverage parallel testing techniques to run tests simultaneously on multiple mobile devices and configurations. This optimizes testing time and ensures thorough coverage across various mobile platforms.

Utilize Cloud-Based Testing for Mobile

Utilize cloud-based testing platforms like Kobiton to access a diverse range of real mobile devices for testing. This allows teams to test their mobile applications on different devices, screen resolutions, and network conditions without the need for physical hardware.

Implement Continuous Monitoring for Mobile Apps

Implement continuous monitoring solutions to track the performance, stability, and user experience of mobile applications in real-time. Monitor key metrics such as app crashes, latency, and user engagement to detect issues early and address them proactively.

Prioritize Collaboration and Communication in Mobile DevOps

Foster a collaborative culture between mobile app development, testing, and operations teams. Encourage open communication, knowledge sharing, and feedback exchange to ensure alignment and synergy across the mobile app development lifecycle.

When To Use Continuous Testing

Mobile application developers and testers should use continuous testing throughout the entire development lifecycle, from the initial stages of development to post-production monitoring. 

Here are some key moments when continuous testing is particularly beneficial:

During Development

Continuous testing should start as early as possible in the development process. Developers can use automated tests to verify code changes and catch defects early, ensuring that issues are addressed before they escalate.

Before Integration

Before integrating new code into the main codebase, developers should run continuous tests to ensure that the changes do not introduce any regressions or conflicts with existing functionality.

During Integration

Continuous testing is essential during the integration phase to validate that the integrated components work together seamlessly and do not disrupt the overall application functionality.

Before Deployment

Prior to deploying updates or new features to production, developers should conduct thorough continuous testing to verify the stability, reliability, and performance of the application in different environments.

After Deployment

Continuous testing does not stop once the application is deployed. Developers should continue to monitor the application in production, running tests to detect any issues that may arise post-deployment and addressing them promptly.

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Kobiton’s CI/CD Integration with DevOps

Kobiton offers robust CI/CD integration capabilities designed to streamline the testing process within DevOps workflows. By seamlessly integrating with popular CI/CD tools and platforms such as Jenkins, Azure DevOps, and CircleCI, Kobiton enables automated testing at every stage of the development pipeline. This integration allows teams to execute tests automatically as part of the continuous integration and delivery process, ensuring that code changes are thoroughly tested before deployment.

With Kobiton’s CI/CD integration, teams can easily trigger automated tests based on code commits or deployment events, allowing for rapid feedback on code changes and ensuring that only high-quality, thoroughly tested code is promoted to production. By automating the testing process within the CI/CD pipeline, teams can accelerate release cycles, reduce manual effort, and improve overall software quality.

Furthermore, Kobiton’s CI/CD integration provides visibility into test results and performance metrics directly within the CI/CD environment, empowering teams to identify and address issues early in the development lifecycle. This visibility facilitates collaboration between development, testing, and operations teams, enabling continuous improvement and faster time-to-market for software releases.

Continuous Testing is Critical in Today’s Fast-Paced Tech World

Continuous testing is a crucial component of our modern software development testing process. My best advice? Explore and adopt continuous testing practices to drive innovation, quality, and agility in your own organization.

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