Appium 1.13 will be the last minor version to use UiAutomator1 as the default Android automation. As of Appium 1.14, the default Android driver will be UiAutomator2. If you don’t set the automationName for an Android session a big warning will be displayed notifying you of the change. This will be a breaking change, and it’s recommended if you wish to keep the same behavior, add the capability automationName=UiAutomator1 to your scripts
Appium 1.13 will be the last minor version to support Node v8. As of Appium 1.14 the supported Node versions will be v10 and v12.
Added capability defaultImageTemplateScale to allow arranging of image comparison logic #307
Treat W3C /property and /attribute as aliases in a web context #311
Support webview testing for real devices running iOS 12.2+ (1.12.1 already added support for iOS Simulators) #122. Make sure your ios-webkit-debug-proxy is up-to-date for real devices.
Be sure to update Carthage to the latest to handle TVOs dependencies
Improve performance of video recording by using superior startup detection tools #12486
Not able to change video recording parameters in IOS #12463
Change behavior of capability showXcodeLog so that when it is explicitly set to false, don’t print any Xcode logs, even error logs #12466
New capabilities:
remoteAppsCacheLimit: sets the limit for how many APKs will be cached on a device #523
chromedriverPorts: allows specifying multiple ports or a range of Chromedriver ports to use for web tests #529
buildToolsVersion: allows you to set the Android build-tools version to be something different than the default, which is to use the most recent version #532
Emulators have a bug where they sometimes go offline when root/unroot is called. It only affects unrooted emulators. The workaround is to check if a device went offline after root/unroot was called and then restarting the ADB server if it did #443
Calls to mobile: endpoints weren’t being called in web context. Default now is that, in a web context, the native mobile endpoint is always called #527
network_connection the endpoint was also not usable from web context #531
pushFile was not working on some later Android SDK’s due to permission errors #439
Default values in caps not being set correctly #436
No longer uninstalls apps when session is terminated if dontStopAppOnReset is set #530
Allow touch actions in a web context. Only works for absolute coordinates. JSONWP only, not related to W3C Actions implementation #534