
Remediating Text Validations

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This tutorial demonstrates how to remediate text validations discovered during scriptless automation. It covers how to view and address text discrepancies, including issues with text size and color, and how to adjust comparisons, set new baselines, or skip validations if they are not defects. Additionally, the video explains how to create Jira tickets for defects and finalize the remediation process.

Remediating Text Validations

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Video Transcript

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In this tutorial, we will review how to remediate text validations discovered during scriptless automation. Text assertions can be found for each automated test on the test execution page. Make sure the text validations are selected. The text validations are categorized as text validations, dealing with actual text discrepancies, and sizes, and color validations which show differences in text color. Not all of the validations are displayed on the main text validation page. Click view more to find the full list.

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To remediate a text validation, click the

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Unresolved icon, the text validation and location of the validation will be displayed for both the manual test and the automated test. In this case, when the automated test case was run, it found a different number of search results than when the manual test was run to remediate, select the dropdown to the left. You can choose to adjust the comparison, which acknowledges that the validation is an issue, set a new baseline, which will use what was found during the automated test case to compare to all future tests run against this manual test or skip this validation. If it is not a defect. This will teach the AI not to bring this validation to your attention. During any future test runs against this manual test. If the validation is a defect, you are able to enter a Jira ticket directly from this page. The ticket will contain a link to this defect and information about the device on which the validation was found. Once you are ready to continue, click, submit to remediate the validation.

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