
Automation Performance Validations

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This tutorial demonstrates how to address performance issues identified during scriptless automation testing, including how to view response times, categorize delays, and create Jira tickets for defects, ensuring efficient test remediation.

Automation Performance Validations

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Video Transcript

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In this tutorial, we will review how to remediate performance validations discovered during scriptless automation. Performance validations can be found for each automated test on the test execution page. Make sure the performance validations are selected. You.

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Are able to view the different response times in milliseconds for the steps performed.

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During the test to remediate a performance validation, click the unresolved icon.

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You will be shown the various steps performed during the test and the time it took to render between one step and the next.

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To remediate, select the dropdown to the left.

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You will choose the degree in which this noted time between test steps is an issue. Select.

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Strict. If the delay is a definite issue that needs to be fixed, select relaxed, if this could potentially be an.

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Issue, but is not one that needs to be immediately fixed or select ignored. If it is not a defect, this will teach the AI not to bring this.

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Validation to your attention during any future test runs against this manual test. If the validation is a defect, you are able to enter a Jira ticket directly from this page. The ticket will contain a link to this defect and information about the device on which the validation was found. Once you are ready to continue, click, submit to remediate the validation.

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