Apple’s WWDC 2023 Unveilings & Kobiton’s Aligned Strategies: The Future of Testing

Frank Moyer
Developing mobile games has become more enjoyable than ever, thanks to the advancements made by gaming engines.
Unity3D, for example, is a phenomenal game engine. From a purely technical perspective, it’s ability to generate cross-platform code is second-to-none, especially when considering the heavy lifting that’s required to optimize graphics natively on each platform.
And the healthy eco-system of third party assets (playmaker, anyone?) supplement Unity even further, creating one of the most powerful development environments out there.
Despite the fact that Unity makes building for multiple platforms easy, it doesn’t obviate the need for the game developer to actually test their app on multiple devices. Even where you use dynamically sized viewports and leverage all the cross-platform capabilities of the environment, rendering issues can still occur on various devices.
And it’s not just rendering issues. Apps can unexpectedly quit (ie. Crash) on certain device and operating system combinations. Best case is simply app abandonment. Worst case you get a bad review in the app store.
So it’s important for game developers to test on more devices than just the top few (or worse…just the single device they own!). And while a number of cloud based “real-device” testing options exist, many of them are plagued with latency (Here’s looking at you Amazon…). For testing “business applications”, this latency is often unnoticeable, or at least, is acceptable. Games however are an entirely different animal. Even the slightest latency is going to cause a drop in FPS (the holy grail of game developers).
At Kobiton, we’ve engineered our platform to provide the fastest real-device testing platform in the industry. The platform is blazingly fast … so fast you can test your games on cloud based real-devices with no noticeable lag.
Check out this side-by-side comparison to see how the Kobiton cloud device compares to the same game being played with the device in-hand:
This speed allows game developers to use the Kobiton platform to test their game on over 350 real devices. This ensures your app isn’t crashing on a specific device and keeps you from getting bad reviews in the app store.
We love hearing from game developers so feel free to drop us a note. And don’t forget to try out a free 15 day trial (no credit card required) and start testing your game.